Monday, February 23, 2009

Periodontal Disease

Do Your Gums Bleed?

This is a symptom that may indicate the presence of Periodontal Disease, commonly known as Gum Disease.

We're learning more about this common infection all the time. I hope the following information will help you understand why I take gum disease seriously.

Some patients think sore gums aren't as important as tooth decay, but that's just not so. Gum disease begins as a minor infection and if it doesn't show signs of stabilizing is bound to get worse. Untreated it can eventually result in tooth loss.

In the early stages (gingivitis stage) the gums may be tender as a little bacteria pocket forms between your teeth and gums. The disease is very treatable at this point. But if the infected pockets are allowed to enlarge, this infection extends to the bond beneath, which begins to erode.

There's another reason to take gum disease seriously. The Journal of the American Dental Association recently reported on a study of non-smokers. Researchers found that gum disease was a stronger risk for heart disease than high cholesterol or high blood pressure.

My recommendation to all my patients is to get your teeth cleaned every 6 months; if you have active gum disease, more regular cleanings are necessary. If you have any futher questions, don't hesitate to contact my office.

Dr Chris Rippe

7180 E. Orchard Road, Suite 301
Centennnial, CO 80111
(303)779 9876

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