Monday, May 11, 2009

Oral Cancer Screening

My Patients deserve the best dental care!That’s why I offer ViziLite Plus oral screenings.

Oral Cancer rates are on the rise, according to the National Cancer Institute. When oral cancer is found in its earliest stage, it is 82% curable with proper treatment. (SEER Stat Fact Sheets).
That’s why my practice has incorporated ViziLite® Plus into our annual dental checkups.

We have been performing regular oral cancer screenings using visual/manual screening methods for years. We now perform an annual ViziLite® Plus examination, in combination with the conventional visual examination. Clinical studies have determined that using ViziLite® Plus after the standard oral cancer examination improves the dental professional’s ability to identify, evaluate and monitor abnormal areas that are difficult to see under conventional lighting.

Early Detection of pre-cancerous tissue can minimize or eliminate the potentially disfiguring effects of oral cancer and possibly save your life. Proven screening technologies such as mammograms, Pap smears, PSA’s and colonoscopies offer the same type of early detection of cancer. ViziLite® Plus is an easy and painless examination that gives our staff the best chance to find any oral abnormalities you may have at the earliest possible stage.

Dental insurance might not cover this advanced oral cancer screening as an addition to the standard visual examination. However, the benefits of early detection out weigh the cost for the screening.
Dr. Chris Rippe

7180 E. Orchard Road, Suite 301
Centennnial, CO 80111

(303)779 9876

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